Bandai Namco Europe launches its music label

IDOL is very pleased to announce the signing of Bandai Namco Game Music, the brand new label of the major Japanese video game publisher launched by Bandai Namco Europe. The collaboration starts with the release of the Elden Ring soundtrack.

Bandai Namco, a major Japanese video game publisher, is known for its work around prestigious licenses such as Tekken, Ace Combat, Pac Man, Tales Of, Soul Calibur, Dark Souls, Dragon Ball

This fall, Bandai Namco Europe has just launched a music label, Bandai Namco Game Music Label, to publish original soundtracks of its video games. Starting with Elden Ring and Tales of Arise.

Elden Ring, the sequel to the Dark Souls series, has already sold 17 million copies worldwide and is becoming a real phenomenon in the video game industry! As for Tales of Arise, the last part of the Tales of series, it has sold more than 25 million copies since the beginning of the series and is one of the 3 best Japanese role-playing game licenses. With these albums, featuring epic battles with orchestral compositions, Bandai Namco Game Music wants to “bring videogame music to as many listeners as possible”.

"In addition to being one of the best games of the year, FromSoftware’s Elden Ring features an absolute treat of a soundtrack." Engadget

Bandai Namco Europe also develops its own licenses such as Dark Pictures or Little Nightmares. The CEO announced that “Elden Ring is just the beginning“, with more Japanese games and original works on the way.

This major IDOL signing contributes to reinforce our expertise and our worldwide recognition in the field of video game music.

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