New Entries: Louka, Chloé and Mouna

New Entries is a new series to welcome our newest colleagues. Our second episode features Louka Lecuyer, Chloé Chetboun and Mouna Salhi who recently started new positions at IDOL.

As IDOL continues to expand and grow, we’d like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our new colleagues. Louka entered the Royalties team in the summer of 2023, then in September, Chloé joined on a work-study basis to support Paul-Emile Prévost in the legal department, and, also on a work-study program, Mouna joined the DSP Editorial & Partnerships team.

Louka Lecuyer

What did you do before joining IDOL?
I’ve worked as an intern in a number of large industrial groups,, and got my first permanent contract with a financial services consultancy. I was in charge of implementing financial tools to ensure security, analysis and compliance.

What is your current job title?
I’m a Royalties manager. In short, I’m in charge of the proper flow and distribution of royalties from the platforms (Spotify, Deezer, Apple Music…) to the labels.
I’m part of the IDOL’s administrative department, and with the team, we take care of the company’s legal, accounting and financial management.

What drew you to work with IDOL?
I’ve always been very passionate about the world of music. I also wanted, for once, to listen to myself and stop following what my schooling and my environment were pushing me to do. I wanted to return to a company on a human scale, where each individual counts as much as the next.

It’s a kind of reconversion for me. I like the IDOL catalog and its value of independence convinced me. When you’re looking to work in the music industry and in a company on a human scale, IDOL was an obvious choice.

I’m still in the learning phase to understand how the music industry works. Working at IDOL is a real opportunity for me!

Can you share a personal anecdote or hobby that you’re particularly passionate about?
I have a little diary where I write descriptions of artists. I like to write quite spontaneously. I started this diary 3 years ago, maybe one day I’ll release it to the general public, who knows?

What’s your latest IDOL musical discovery?
My discovery within the catalog dates back to 2019. I was at home, playing on my computer, and I heard the track ‘Papillon’ from Zed Yun Pavarotti’s album French Cash.

I couldn’t explain why, but I think there’s something fascinating about this album. There’s a very raw, clumsy side to it that I love. I think what we’re being offered musically is getting slicker and slicker, and that’s why I really got hooked on this album: It’s unsettling.

Chloé Chetboun

What did you do before joining IDOL?
I was studying International Business Law in Master 1 at the Sorbonne, which didn’t really suit me. So I decided to specialize in copyright law in Master 2 in order to combine my studies with my passion, and that’s how I was able to join IDOL on a work-study program!

What is your current job title?
I’m a legal assistant at IDOL’s administrative department. I work in tandem with Paul-Emile, IDOL’s legal expert, and help him with the department’s various tasks, such as taking part in contract negotiations, drafting technical documents for labels, or answering legal questions from other departments.

What made you want to work for IDOL?
Last year, I felt the urge to change and work in a music-related field. I discovered IDOL by taking an interest in the artists followed by Grand Musique Management, and I immediately liked its roster and its values. I realized that many of the labels and artists I listened to on a daily basis were distributed by IDOL, and that immediately made me want to join the adventure.

I also liked IDOL’s independence. So I started following its news, and when I saw the ad for the legal assistant position I didn’t think twice and applied straight away. And I don’t regret it!

Can you share a personal anecdote or a hobby you’re particularly passionate about?
I learned to mix one and a half year ago, and it quickly became a passion! I love finding new tracks to play in sets, or just listening to them in the morning on the subway to wake me up. I’m constantly discovering new styles and different music producers.

I’m also very interested in issues related to the place of women and gender minorities in music, particularly in electronic music, and I’m trying to do my bit for a more inclusive scene!

What’s your latest IDOL musical discovery?
During my first week at IDOL, I heard Meryl’s latest album, Ozoror, on the office speakers and immediately liked the rhythm and energy of the tracks. It’s quite different from what I’m used to listening to, but that’s also what I like about IDOL: you discover new gems every week!

Mouna Salhi

What did you do before joining IDOL?
Before joining the IDOL team, I did two internships during my gap year, as part of my Master’s degree at Grenoble Ecole de Management. My first internship was with Ephelide, a music press relations agency, where I held the position of Assistant Press Attaché.

During this internship, I helped promote artists such as Phoenix, as well as the 2022 edition of Rock en Seine, among other assignments. I then did a second internship in partnerships at the TV channel Canal +.

What is your current job title?
My job title is DSP Editorial & Partnerships Assistant. My responsibilities include promoting IDOL releases to streaming platforms, as well as assisting in setting up partnerships with them.

What made you want to work for IDOL?
I discovered IDOL when I was looking for an internship in the music industry. While researching the company, I was particularly impressed by its work and the place it occupies in the French music landscape, in competition with other major players. What’s more, I realized that many of the artists I liked were part of the IDOL catalog, and that’s always nice!

Can you share a personal anecdote or a hobby you’re particularly passionate about?
I’ve been climbing for just over a year! What I like is the satisfaction of reaching the summit, but also the intellectual challenge of the many possible routes. The idea is to create your own route, making the most of your assets: height, flexibility, strength…

What was your most recent IDOL musical discovery?
My latest breakthrough in the IDOL catalog is Peet on Baco Records. I’d already had the opportunity to listen to his previous collaborations, but I’d never taken the time to delve deeper into his world. Today, I find myself listening over and over to the track ‘Isaiah’, a pleasant musical surprise.

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